
Music (2007) var en produksjon av NING. Produksjonen ble urfremført ved Plex Musikkteater i København.

Produksjonen ble bare framført én gang under denne tittelen og i denne regien (Plex Musikkteater, København), den tok opp i seg verk som NING tidligere hadde utviklet (blant annet fra Transitt (2006)), og ble videreført i et kortere verk med samme tittel, «MUSIC», av regissør og teaterskaper Andy Smith. NING framførte dette siste verket en rekke ganger over flere år i ulike sammenhenger. 

Spilleplaneni nkluderer også visningene av det kortere selvstendige verket «MUSIC». 

MUSIC på Plex Musikkteater i København var én av veldig få ganger der samtlige av NINGs fem medlemmer var på scenen samtidig.  


(Objekt ID 142246)
Objekttype Produksjon
Premiere 8. jun. 2007
Produsert av Ning
Publikum Voksne
Antall hendelser 6
Emneord Musikkteater
Spilleperiode 8. jun. 2007  —  1. mai. 2013
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Fra programtekst, av Andy Smith: 

Over the next hour or so we will hear the sound of a breath as it moves through an instrument. Footballs will be bounced. An almost forgotten pop song from the eighties will be sung. A cello bow will bounce across open strings. A spoon will wobble on a cup and saucer. 

Music is an enquiry into what music is and what music can be. We want to ask questions about what we play, how we do, and why we might. We know that John Cage said that “everything that is happening makes a sound.” We know that more than just the orchestra, the quartet or the punk rock band can be considered to be music. We have a desire to use, reflect upon, consider and add to these ideas. We have a desire to entertain and engage an audience. We have a desire to ask bold questions about how,whyand where we might take music today.  

To attempt this, Music employs two methods. First, we reduce music to an idea. Through language and the collective imagination we ‘hear’ and reflect on an excess of musical types: A Bavarian marching band plays in the distance. There is a wall of white noise guitar. A piano plays a seemingly accidental note. Secondly, to complement and counterbalance this removal, we have integrated six pieces of new work into the performance. These works offer aspects of and outlooks on music and performance in both a traditional and contemporary light. In their various forms they explore music and what it can do: music as mythical, meaningful, new, old, abstract, concrete, perceptual, personal, practical and political.» 


Privatarkivet NING, 31.08.2023

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8. jun. 2007Plex Musikkteater Urpremiere