Interview in Aftenposten about Perleporten Teatergruppe's production Klassebilde* (Yearbook Photo, 1978)


(Objekt ID 27191)
Object type Multimedia
Published April 5, 1978
Category Text / Editorial article
Colours Black/white
Background material Newspaper
Illustration Illustrated
Themes Interview, Debate
Language Norwegian

After the reviewers' response to Perleporten Teatergruppe's production Klassebilde* (Yearbook Photo) (1978) a discussion about theatre criticism in the Oslo newspapers started. The interview Lar seg ikke velte av anmelderstorm (literally: Won't fall over because of the reviewer storm) was part of this discussion. The interview was printed in Aftenposten April 5 1978. Text by: Anne Mari Waagaard.


The private archive of Perleporten Teatergruppe. Donated by Karl Hoff, 10.05.2009

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Affiliations (2)