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Sesongprogram for Teaterhuset Avant Garden høst 1996 pdf August 1996 Download

Paolo Nani

Paolo Nani was born and raised in Ferrara, Italy. He is an actor and he manages his own theatre company Paolo Nani Teater. Formerly he has been attached to companies such as Teatro Nucleo and the theatre company Cantabile 2. Paolo Nani has participated in several performances honoured with awards.


(Objekt ID 5488)
Object type Person
Functions Artistic director, Instructor, Actor
Nationality Italian
Gender Male
Website Paolo Nani Teater

Towards the end of the 1970es the town in which Paolo Nani grew up was visited by Teatro Nucleo, led by Horacio Czertok and Cora Herrendorf. That became the beginning of the collaboration between Paolo Nani and the company, a collaboration to last for 12 years, with productions and tours all over Europe (1978-1990). During a tour to Copenhagen, among other places, Paolo Nani met an old friend, Nullo Facchini, the instructor and leader of the theatre company Cantabile 2. Paolo Nani started cooperating with the theatre, but in 1995 he decided to establish his own company, Paolo Nani Teater.

Source: Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival, www.pit.no, 18.08.2010, http://2004.pit.no/vis_tstykke.asp?ProgType=1&stykke=Brevet

Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (5)
Title Premiere Role
Jekyll & Hyde (Paolo Nani Teater ) Navember 20, 2009 Performer, Concept/Idea
White (Brain) Wash (Musikk i NordlandPaolo Nani Teater ) May 29, 2007 Direction, Script, Actor
Aliens (Paolo Nani Teater ) 1997 Text, Direction, Actor
The Letter (Paolo Nani Teater ) 1995 Actor
Art of Dying (Paolo Nani Teater ) Actor