Stian Carstensen


(Objekt ID 18528)
Object type Person
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (7)
Title Premiere Role
Jåtåkdag* (Yysplyseday) (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) January 28, 2012 Musician, Musical direction
Henrik Ibsens samlede verker på 68 minutter (Andre Buskevekster) July 9, 2005 Orchestra
The Good Person of Szechwan (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) September 6, 2003 Musical arrangement, Musical direction
Antons Villfaring* (Anton's Deviation) (The Norwegian Theatre) April 20, 2002 Musician
Nordens Blåe Blome (Daughters of Thalia) 1998 Musician
Mephisto (Trøndelag Theatre) April 23, 1994 Musician, Musical direction
Utpakking (Cirka Teater) September 11, 1993 Musician